U.S. Standard Products is committed to building a better community and a better world for those individuals and their families who are less fortunate. A critical part of our charitable commitment and activity is through our support of the following organizations:

“US Standard Products is another excellent example of a company that values and practices gratitude, with a remarkable commitment to corporate social responsibility. Their company mission is “to provide American industry with the highest quality products available and to give back to the people that most deserve it by supporting those less fortunate individuals and their families with the financial and personal commitment they so richly deserve.” US Standard Products is so grateful and devoted to charitable giving that they donate a portion of company profits to select charitable organizations, dedicate a tab on their website to charitable giving, and readily promote their charitable partners on social media. Furthermore, the company shared with me, “The owner, grateful for the care a gravely ill family member received, now gives back to the organization that helped him cope through a difficult time. Another founder hasn’t forgotten what it was like during the company’s origins and how they struggled to grow the business. He has earmarked a portion of the company’s profits to help others who may be struggling to get on their feet. The founders have also directed a portion of profits to veteran’s groups, showing gratitude to the men and women who ensure the freedom for them to have a business. Showing gratitude is not only the right thing to do, but it sets an example for employees, their families, and customers.”
— Excerpt from Dr. Colleen Georges blog titled ‘Gratitude in the Workplace: Why it Matters & How to Institute Gratitude Practices in Your Organization’ posted 2/10/15.